Friday, September 5, 2014

We Are Looking For A New Country To Call Home

After learning that #1 is autistic, I have been actively looking for support within the country. It is really difficult to get affordable therapies in the country, and the government is treating autism as another disability.

Each and every disability has its own limits, different ways to deal with it, and different kinds of education requirements. What is the use of mixing every kind of children marked as "OKU" (person with disabilities) in one class? It's catastrophic and the teacher can't handle them especially teachers who were never given intensive training!

Teachers try hard to make it work, but some of them were only given 3 days training? What's up with that?

In the end, one teacher has to handle 7-10 children and spent the time mopping the floor or bringing the children to the toilet in turn. It's just insane, I don't know what the people in the ministry is doing.

We have made a few acquaintances along the way, and we have actual people who are currently living in the UK and in the Netherlands telling us how these special needs kids are handled in those country. I pay my tax at an effective rate of 20% here but I receive zero benefit from it. My money is used to buy expensive cars for the Road Transport Department, and to make the politicians fatter.

I am willing to pay 35%-45% in the Netherlands if I can receive all the help I can from the Government.

Also, even if I can afford to pay for the best therapies in Malaysia, the opportunity for inclusive classes will be very minimal.

In the UK:

A friend of mine who also possess autistic #1 is moving to Nottingham this month. I am so happy for them, and at the same time my wish to move away is growing stronger. More than ever before.

I am also trying to see whether I can go to further my studies and work from there, since I work remotely anyway. I can work from anywhere.

Yesterday, a person who is very active in the autism community (and an autism parent too) who I respect so much, happened to post this status on Facebook.

"Interview semalam amat menyeramkan. Bikin saya berfikir panjang tentang pendidikan di negara kita dan juga kemenjadian guru."

Means, "Yesterday's interview was scary. It made me think long about education in our country and also teacherhood".

One of her current responsibility is interviewing teachers for a new project.

Coming from her, it was like a huge confirmation to what I have been feeling for the last few years. We need to get out of this country. This country can't provide us what we need.

Hey, before you start typing that comment I just want you to know that I love this incredibly beautiful land called Malaysia. I hate the administration, the defunct royalty, and the education system. I don't have any hope of it becoming any better soon and time is running out for my son.

So, anyone in UK or Netherlands need an experienced Linux Engineer or a research assistant?

- Abah

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