Friday, September 5, 2014

Jumper Cable

We had a follow up appointment with the immunologist at Gleneagles medical center in KL on Thursday. For #2.

Foreseeing that there will no vacant car park at the parking building, I drop Mama and the kids at the clinical building lobby and parked the car.

The appointment went on as usual, and we are to return in a month.

Since there is no easy way for me to get the car back to the lobby we had to walk to the car in the hot sun. I should've brought along an umbrella.

#1 was insisting to go into the pharmacy where there are junk food, but I said no and he was sulking all the way to the car park. I felt terrible and frustrated as usual as he doesn't understand that we need to go quickly.

The car park payment machine did not accept my bank notes, so I had to go to the counter which was fortunately located just next to the machine.

All of a sudden, an old man with white hair greeted me and said, "Dik, saya ada masalah nak mintak tolong. Kereta tak boleh start, jumper cable ada". Translated, that means, "Bro, I have a problem and I need your help. I can't get my car to start and I have jumper cables".

I was already in a frustrated and stressed situation because

  1. It was scorching hot
  2. #1 is sulking and refused to hold my hand to the car (it's dangerous and he is oblivious to danger, remember?) 
  3. #2 has just recovered from his terrible eczema and infection so it's far from good being held so long in the hot sun
It was really amazing (annoying?) since I was already wearing my stressed and angry face before he even said anything to me. Most probably because he saw that I am Malay. I've seen so many other people passed by before that. Well, at least that's what I think since it's really hard for me to look around while trying to get #1 to cooperate and let me lead him to walk safely.

I looked at Mama and she said, "We're already running late". That's it and I hope the "bro" get it. I didn't even say a word.

The thing is if I was alone, I would have helped. The heat doesn't really bother me that much. I was hungry because I didn't have breakfast and hadn't had lunch yet at almost 4pm, but I would still have helped him. It's my family that I care so much about, I don't want them to starve while waiting for me to help someone I don't know.

I am not sure why but I kept on thinking that the "bro" can't see, or just don't care that I have two little boys in the scorching heat, coming out from a hospital? Can't he start his question asking whether we are in a hurry.

Mama's theory is that the bro never really had any experience with kids, like most fathers of the old times where the mother handles everything.

I don't know.

Just don't judge me. I had to work late at night, wake up hungry and do stuff for my kids. That's just who I am. Also I think I don't have to explain my difficulties to someone random on the street, just because I can't help them.

Come to think of it every time my car battery dies I just called auto assist and they send me a new battery. I have a few close friends living nearby, just that I don't want to trouble them. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't help if they ask. That's just me.

Next visit, I think I will pick up the car myself and drive towards the main entrance to pick up the family at the lobby. That's a good plan.

- Abah

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